Thank you to Sarah Norton Ramberg for creating the idea for this page. Other objects associated with Lincoln, including books he read, have also been placed about the room. On the north wall hangs a portrait of Lincoln by Stephen Arnold Douglas Volk based on a bust his father (Leonard Volk) had done from real life. Lincoln greeting guests, including Cabinet members, in the East Room. Hanging above the desk is an 1865 lithograph titled Abraham Lincoln's Last Reception. Carpenter's 1864 painting titled First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before Lincoln's Cabinet. To the right of the mantel is an engraving of Francis B. It was painted from photographs by Katherine Helm, daughter of Mary Todd's half-sister, Emily Todd Helm. The portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln, hanging to the right of the bed, was given to the White House by Mrs. To the left of the bed is a portrait of Andrew Jackson that was a favorite of Lincoln's.
Lincoln originally gave this copy to Colonel Alexander Bliss.
On this desk is a copy of the Gettysburg Address that is signed, dated, and titled by Abraham Lincoln. The rocking chair near the window is similar to the one Lincoln was sitting in when he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. One of the chairs in the room, upholstered in antique yellow-and-green Morris velvet, was sold after Lincoln's assassination but was returned to the White House as a gift in 1961. The sofa and matching chairs, a gift to the White House in 1954, are believed to have been there during Lincoln's presidency. The chandelier, which was acquired in 1972, resembles the one hanging there when Lincoln was president.
Many of the Victorian pieces in the bedroom were placed there by the Trumans when the Brussels carpet and the Lincoln bed were installed in 1945. Barbara Bush replaced the mattress, but guests still report it's lumpy. The original mattress was made of horsehair. Never used by Abraham Lincoln himself, it is made of carved rosewood. Several presidents used the bed including Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. (The photograph of the bed is from the Meserve-Kunhardt Collection.) It was a part of a set of furniture she purchased for the Prince of Wales Room (besides the bed which had purple-and-gold satin curtains, the set included matching draperies, a marble-topped table, and six chairs). Mary Todd Lincoln purchased the large bed, measuring eight feet long by six feet wide, in 1861 as part of her refurbishing of the White House. Truman moved in the bed and other furniture. It was named the Lincoln Bedroom in 1945 when President and Mrs. In 1902 the room became a bedroom when all the second floor offices were moved to the West Wing during the Roosevelt renovation. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in this room on January 1, 1863. Two large wicker wastebaskets were filled with debris. Newspapers were stacked on the desk and tables along with large amounts of mail and requests from office seekers. It had dark green wallpaper, and the carpeting was also dark green. (It was used in this manner by all presidents between 18.) During the Lincoln presidency, the walls were covered with Civil War maps. When Abraham Lincoln was president, it was used as his personal office and Cabinet room. The Lincoln Bedroom was in the news during Bill Clinton's term because of its use as a bedroom for White House guests. White House maids and butlers have sworn they had seen Lincoln’s ghost. "A high percentage of people who work here won't go in the Lincoln Bedroom," said President Bill Clinton's White House social secretary, Capricia Marshall. Actor Richard Dreyfess reported having scary dreams about a portrait of Mr. Maureen Reagan said she saw mysterious apparitions there. Ronald Reagan's dog would bark outside the room but never enter. Once the girls tried to get in touch with him with a Ouija board to no avail. Amy Carter, during sleepovers with her friends, waited up at night for the ghost of Mr. I'd have to turn around and look." Rumors were that Winston Churchill had a Lincoln sighting in the room. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Sometimes when I worked at my desk late at night I'd get a feeling that someone was standing behind me. Eisenhower claimed they felt the powerful presence of Abraham Lincoln in this room. Young Willie Lincoln (age 11) died in the White House in the bed now in the Lincoln Bedroom at about 5:00 P.M.